Thursday, October 28, 2010

Announcing A New Contest!

Super Awesome News

When EtobicokeMom2Mom Facebook page hits 500 "likes"

a lucky fan will receive a mom vendor table for the next Sale Spring 2011.


Date to be Announced!



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Fluttering Details 

will be a vendor at

Taima Zone

Friday November 12th


3450 Ridgeway Drive

Unit 10

Mississauga, ON L5L 0A2

 “One-Stop-Shopping” while the Kids are playing! – There will be a wide variety of vendors with great and unique products for an amazing shopping experience, just in time for Christmas.
The admission for the kids to play will only be $2.00 - and there will be FREE BALLOONS, TATTOOS and  CRAFTS (Adults are always FREE with a paying child / $2.00 without it)


Saturday, September 4, 2010

2 weeks until Etobicoke Mom2Mom Fall 2010 Sale
Ourland Community
18 Ourland Ave.

Thank you
to our

Thank You
to all our Mom Vendors and Business Vendors.

For list of Business
Vendors click here
First 100 Shoppers receive
a FREE Tote Bag with Swag.

Come to the Sale early!

Lana from Naanee Design Co.
is giving away 20 pairs of earrings
to the first 20 shoppers that
come to the sale!
The beautiful Mom2Mom Earrings!


Also in all 100 Free Tote Bags
Melanie and Roberta  from Shaklee
will be a sample of Basic H2
All-purpose cleaner with bottle.

Tons of coupons and deals from
all other business vendors in the bag.
Twitter @FlutterMelissa
Facebook Event Invite

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mom2Mom Sale promo BANNER!

So excited to receive this 6 foot long banner in the mail. It should arrive early next week. It will be up in front of Ourland Community Center. With just over 4 weeks until the Sale. The buzz is getting around. All vendors are helping advertise on their websites, facebook, twitter...We will have an even bigger turn out then the Spring sale.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Banner posted outside Franklin Horner!

The banner arrived yesterday in the mail as soon as I picked it up I went over to Franklin Horner Community Center to post it up. It was so nice that a man walking by helped me hold up the poster while I stapled it up. It started raining harder as soon as I was done. I will attached pink balloons this weekend when it is sunny out. Thank you to all my sponsors who made this banner look awesome! Can't wait until Saturday April 24, 2010.